Thursday 31 October 2013

Suklam Baradharam Vishnum - with English translation

Suklam Baradharam Vishnum (in Sanskrit)

Suklam baradharam vishnum
Sasi varnam chathurbhujam
Prasanna vadanam dhyayeth
Sarva vighnopa shanthaye
Complete meaning in English 
Salutations to Ganesh/Vishnu who is omnipresent, who wears white robes
Whose face is as bright and cool as the moon and who has 4 arms
Who has a contented face (capable of blessing)
Meditating on him, all obstacles in my life are neutralized.

Word to word translation
Suklam (white) Bara (dress) Dharam (wearer) Vishnum (all-pervasive) Sasi (moonbeam, light of the moon) Varnam (color) Chatur (four) Bhujam (arms)  Prasanna (smiling/contented) Vadanam (face) Dhyayeth (I meditate) Sarva (all) Vighnopa (obstacles) Shantaye (neturalized, peaceful) 

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