Thursday 31 October 2013

Ganesh Sloka ( With English translation)

Ganesh Sloka (in Sanskrit)

Vakratunda mahaakaaya koti soorya samaprabha,
 nirvighnam kurumedeva sarva kaaryeshu sarvadaa.

Complete meaning in English

O lord with the curved trunk, with large body, with the effulgence of a billion suns,
always remove the obstacles in all my undertakings.

Word to word translation to English 

Vakratunda (currved trunk); mahaakaaya (huge form/body); koti soorya (a billion suns);
samaprabha (equivalent illumination); nirvighnam (no obstacles); kurume (give
me); deva (God); sarva kaaryeshu (all endeavors); sarvadaa (always)

Brief Explanation: 

Lord Ganesha is considered the deity for removal of all obstacles in our life. Hence
it is customary to pray to Him first before starting any new activity whether it be
pooja, new business or a new journey. Thinking about the Lord who has a pleasant
face (prasanna vadanam) will help us overcome all the obstacles that might arise in
our task.

Note : Chant this sloka before/when starting any work

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